dumo178 TomasMoor pm is better than snail ide ok theyre remaking the servers and its almost done. their new servers will be way better than snail ides server code in every single way.
MerrCraft dumo178 Jeremy might be a better dev than you, but at the moment Snail IDE is better that pm right now.
TomasMoor go inside project, search in extensions "profanity API' as you can see, it censor all swear words, inside the block. so if you will ask permission for this extension, you can add it to snail ide extension library.
dumo178 TomasMoor > go inside project, search in extensions "profanity API" as you can see there is bypasses and also profanity api can't save people from bullying in an unmoderated chat
TomasMoor dumo178 so, why can't you make your own for comments on and in project? and can you please tell me why comments server not ready? and what's happend with GUI?