By the way, these were different situations: context: Devon, a person in the PenguinMod server, confused a LGBT flag (which moss-shadow had on a project thumbnail) with another flag that represented something disgusting. People also noticed the pronouns page in moss-shadow's bio and talked about it in the server, and moss-shadow later made a video about what happened. About being blocked on Scratch, moss-shadow used Contact Us after being temporarily blocked, and according to the video moss-shadow made about it, the Scratch Team member that responded said that it was because of the DeviantArt post, despite the Scratch rules stating that off-site behavior is not blocked if not linked on the Scratch website (most likely with exceptions, like if the person in question is a harm to children or something like that). moss-shadow stated that the post being the reason for being blocked wasn't explained beforehand, and that moss-shadow's projects had been getting taken down on Scratch before this, without really stating what exactly was the issue in the project.