o97doge hey. The Discord Says In Its Name That Its Unofficial. I Don't Want people thinking its official if its not
The Discord Serves As A Way To Contact Other people Or Get Help With Projects Without Need of going on a forum to do it. the discord server is just a way to make it more easy for People to talk and get help on a app they are used too rather then something there not. if you joined the server you can also see my point. the channels is just a unpackager (just turbo warps unpackager that turns html or zip from snail ide into .snail files instead of .sb3), A Way To Show Off your project before its even released, Extension development, and a way to get help with projects. The Server Is Just To Make it more easy. If You want me to change the server name. i'll need a logo and a new name for the server. and im not good at figuring out names or good at making server logos. if you want me to do anything. feel free to reach out on discord as im not active here much: relux_games_backup2